I'm not doing so good on the consistent blog timeline thing... I'll probably never fix it though, that's how I like it. This picture was of the walk to the cave we went through on the Lençóis trip, the sky was crazy blue and beautiful.

The first day in Lençóis we hiked for about three minutes and hit a series of really awesome little pools and rock formations (this is one with Lençóis in the background)

My faux-artistic photography at work

these pools look really shallow, but that one behind Freddy was deep enough to jump into. The people on this trip were me, Sandra (behind Freddy in the black swimsuit - from Germany), Mathilde (next to Sandra - from Denmark), Kevin (from Germany), Sherise (from Florida) and Alexember (from Iowa?) We also had Neyton (Kevin's host dad) but that's a given.

water in motion

more dynamic water

lambreta, after which I was forced to drink the 'caldo', or juices

bright sky!

pineapple plant

hey Mom! hey Dad! Bird of paradise!

the cave roof

A lizard chillin' under the tree

The inseperable Dane and German (Mathilde and Sandra)

The clear water cave in Lençóis where we went snorkeling

on top of Pai Inácio

Some random religious statue on Madre de Deus (an island in All Saints' Bay, a few hour drive from Salvador)

Another shot of this incredible island (also will be bringing back incredible shells from here, all orange and blue and huge)