oi todos!
my second day of school was confusing, again. I still do not understand the teachers when they talk, except for a short period today when the teacher was talking about social darwinism (´darwinismo social´...really? so easy) and albinoism (´albinoismo´).
Lara is amazing, she is so funny and helpful. We went walking by ´a praia´ (the beach) and went to the Salvador lighthouse. there was a museum and it was very interesting, I learned a lot of words and pronounciations (which sounds boring but is so useful...)
Today I was drawing in my sketchpad and basically zoning out (an expression I tried to explain to Lara, and succeeded!) and first one of my classmates, then almost my entire class of 38 students were all crowded around trying to tell me that I´m ´talented´, and one of them (Barbosa, he is VERY skinny and very weird, but funny, he likes to ruffle my hair when he sees me) was doing this hand motion that apparently means ´AY MEU DEUS ESSE E LEGAL!!´ (Oh my god this is cool!!). He had me teach him curse words, he wants to know all of them.
I´m eating meat again...it´s a little disconcerting. I go to put meat in my mouth and my head starts screaming ´NO WRONG BAD´...I trained myself well I guess!
They looked at my pictures of my friends and one girl (Lari) saw Ethan´s picture (not the stupid face one, a different one) and says ´OH! Ethan is...good-looking?´ and now every time she sees my photo album she finds his picture and goes ´good-looking?´. She also said that Ben has ´beautiful eye hair´. Jana said of Ben ´que linda!´ (I think she thought he was a girl...:P)
Lara says she is impressed by how fast I am learning Portuguese...I am trying to learn as fast as I can because she leaves in two weeks for Germany!
I have been so tired because I haven´t gotten sufficient sleep since surviving the jetlag from the flights...rawr
anyway...long blog post, I´m just really excited about this year!!! I´m not sure what I´ll do without Lara though...
ps. I saw Portuguese Calvin and Hobbes (Calvin e Haroldo?? haha riiiight) and Portuguese Woody the Woodpecker today (hahahaha!) also this guy on the radio said ´New Hampshire´ in the funniest way possible, he really enunicated the ´i´ like he was hiccuping or whistling or something. it was hilarious!! I laughed so much I think Paulo (my host father) thinks I´m crazy, but he was laughing too.
also I have had guaraná, cajé, pastel de ziri (crab cake), açai, piña, etc. Brazilian food e muito bem.
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Hey, obviously I read your comment, and I did check out your blog. I'm having a ball here (as you guessed) and have apparently adapted to the keyboard quicker than you. I'm feeling a lot better thanks to the Ciproflaxin I was prescribed before I came here. Sounds like you're doing ok yourself. I still haven't quite adapted to the time change yet. In Salvador, do they eat ALL the time? Cus here they eat breakfast around 7, a snack at school around 10, another snack after school at 12, then lunch around 1 or 2, then two snacks between that and dinner, which we eat around 7. All of these constitute a full meal. I get a little overwhelmed cus I'm constantly being overwhelmed by new words that they are trying to teach me, plus they keep wanting to know if I can remember people's names, plus the guys keep teaching me wrong stuff. I noticed, while having my little school bathroom escapade, a small lymric reminiscient of classic teenage American poetry. Something carved on the back of the stall door that translated to about "Here I sit, a king on his thrown" Pretty zen, no?
Nope, I just really REALLY don't like planes. At all. Honestly, they scare the shit out of me. I don't like how they make me feel out of control. Like if something goes wrong on a plane, you're fucked. There's nothing you can do but put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye.
sounds fun.. hope you have a good time :D
Hee. I laughed at the part about ethan. It sounds like you're having fun! Just don't forget about your friends back in the states. )=
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