oddly interesting sun

Lara and Zen

impersonating theatrical zombies

I wanted to go exploring, but my friends think I will get myself killed.

sweet shot of Lara

Pedrinho! wearing a Eugene tie-dye shirt no less

walking to MAM (Museu do Arte Moderno)

fun times at the theater (I know I look really pissed in this picture, but those were some of the funniest moments of the trip so far)

beach at MAM
that's not all but I am tired of falling asleep first period every day. night!
Hi Madisyn,
I just wanted to tell you that I love your photos and find them the most exciting part of your blog, but I would really love to see more photos of the city please.
Also, no worries about me having a mental breakdown, I'm doing plenty of stuff to keep myself occupied while you are gone (mostly homework).
Anyway, the whole family misses you, and I am looking forward to more crazy stories from Brazil.
I want to be there with you!!!
Aqui eh legal mas to comsaudade!
tambem te amo madinha, voce ia gostar de estar aqui, hoje andei de bicicleta e lembrei de voce!
mmnah mmnah.
Guess what you're probably tired of hearing?
I envy you. D:<
I miss having a camera too... but I'm SO getting back into the swing of drawing, which is so cool.
Its the old sketch-book that did it. As full as it is, I'm using it lots.
Oh, I'm starting at LCC too... if that interests you.
Hmmrah. I like your pictures. :P
Oh, if you get the time I THINK you can put locations on the pictures you upload to picassa web albums... and it JUST MAY end up on google earth - but again I'm not sure if you care. XP
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