NOTICE: to anyone who has tried to post on the blog and has not been able to, I have enabled non-user commenting, as per Jonah's request, sorry about that. I want to hear from all of you! DO IT.
me in the 'gimnasio' climbing around
Lara thought this was just crazy, though it was pretty damn tame...(note the super awesome, not-touristy-in-any-way Capoeira Coca-Cola style shirt)
and my hands got pretty dirty
Lara left today, everyone was crying and it was sad, but I have a hard time crying around people so everyone thinks I'm insensitive and heartless.
Also funny story, yesterday I got busted for climbing around Vieira (I was climbing the structures around the staircases in the gymnasium and the fence near the futebol quadras and Biggu told me he would send me home if I did it again. it sucks because about ten minutes after he told me that I found a really cool route across the roofs of the buildings and that would have been really badass but I wasted my one warning on a really weak climb......oh well, thems the breaks). pics above
more pics soon as soon as I wipe my camera
--- m
haha I love you madisyn :3
Yeah, both Neah and I find that shirt rather uncharacteristic of our lovely friend Madisyn.
I find it a little more wild than she does, however.
So I found our old shared sketchbook the other day, and I've been drawing in it again. XP
I've also been showing it off to a bunch of people and they all go Oooh and Aaaah and then I have to say 'oh that one isn't mine'
'oh Madisyn did most of that one'
you should send me messages on facebook.
((Oh, also... you should enable the sort of posting where somebody only puts their name down, and doesn't have to log in. You probably have people who aren't commenting who would if they didn't have to log in.))
*laughs Manically at the sight of his influence... as such...*
BWAH - HA - HA - HA - HA - HA
Well, when you're on a Rotary exchange, it's definitely better to get high by climbing things than by breaking one of those infamous D's...
On the bright side, you didn't demonstrate your, er, "special skills" to a crowd and fall (splat!) on a hard surface like Ian did. :-) (Yes, I'm following his delightful blog, too!)
Be careful, don't get hurt, and stay out of major trouble. (Minor trouble is somewhat to be expected. :D Right?)
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