Thursday, November 13, 2008

fim da escola

herro everybody!

yea the internet is kaput right now, so the next update might not come until December, sorry about that (but people don't appear to be reading to much so I'm not stressing..)

looks like I'm going skydiving, scuba diving, surfing, probably on IguaƧu Falls trip, birthday party next week, a show of some sort on the 22nd, maybe taking an English test on the 19th to humor my classmates, changing host families on the 29th (on the same day is the District 4550 outbound interviews, so we're supposed to go...)

I can't sleep lately because of NaNoWriMo and BUGS. there are bugs EVERY WHICH WAY, HITHER AND THITHER, BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ. there is this one mosquito that hates me and keeps me up all night, and last night there was this mental bug that kept slamming against walls and the ceiling. couldn't sleep until like 4 in the morning, and by then the moon was all bright and pretty, so I had to go look at it...

speaking of NaNoWriMo, by last count I was 15,026 words in (almost 100% in authentic, I-checked-the-dictionary-and-spell-check-TWICE portuguese. which means today I am about 7000 words behind, AND I have capoeira today.


I'm writing postcards right now to be sent in a big bundle home and then scattered to the winds. If you want one, you should scurry like bunnies and give me your address so's I can send ya one.

school is pretty much out for me because no one expects me to take tests (though I DID pass the Literature test oddly enough...can't say the same for the Portuguese chemistry test...)

so...this year has been on and off, but all together it has been "all that and a bag of chips" (I've been itching to use that expression for a while, so there you go). end of school means no more drawing commissions which distract me from class (which is sad, I'm getting pretty good at them...)

my next host family apparently has a 14 and a 10 year old and a dog and live close to the beach. looks like a good summer coming up, hmm?

Christmas approaches...we'll see how that goes!

Skype might be out of the question Sky and Dad, but feel free to try calling me to see if the web is back up. probably won't be because brazilians are notoriously undermotivated to get stuff done, but you never know.

--- m
(also this might be obvious, but no pictures for a while either...sorry!)


Anonymous said...

Just so you know ... some of us ARE reading!

Anonymous said...

Well, I did slow down on the commenting, but I have the RSS feed for your blog here bookmarked... so I read everytime you post.

I was thinking of you earlier this month when I realized that it was NaNoWriMo. November is ALSO "No Shave November" Did you know that?

Don't worry, I'm not celebrating, I shaved just this morning.

I'm IMPRESSED that you are writing it in Portuguese!

I've made this friend on the internet who is in Brazil, and his English is spotty. XD I mentioned you to him a couple times, I can only hope he understood what I meant.

Maybe I can connect you guys and you can help him with English and he you with Portuguese. XD

btw, I have Skype myself, so it'd be totally awesome if we could do skype calls when you next get regular internet. :P

Oh, there is probably much more that I was thinking of telling you, but I've run my head dry thus far.

Keep updating when you can! I'd love to hear more!

Anonymous said...

Yes, some of us do read everything.

Zoe said...

yeah I'm totally reading, ya crazy :P

Anonymous said...

We read every post at least once over and enjoy the comments of others. Just didn't think you'd want to know we're reading . . . Mom

Anonymous said...

I LOVE YOU hahahaha you sent me to your page to get ur numbe and call you about tomorrow... well.... i officially suck at fining my way around blogs ahaha well yesh youve got mine digits so call me in the meantime i will keep trying to figure this thing out... ahahaahahahaha x moni
ps... my mais makes better noodles hahahaha