Sunday, May 31, 2009

Alguém que te faz sorrir

Eu nunca consegui saber diferenciar
Não querer com não mais sentir
Não merecer com não mais amar

E hoje eu estou aqui
Sem ter lugar pra ficar
Escrevendo canções pra que
Você possa escutar
Com outro alguém do seu lado

Alguém que te faz sorrir
Alguém que vai te abraçar
Quando a escuridão cair
Te impedindo de me enxergar
E eu que hoje estou aqui
E pra sempre vou ficar
Segundos antes de dormir
De mim você vai lembrar

Tente me ouvir
Tente me ver

Um outro alguém (eu vou buscar)
Eu juro que eu vou ser!

Alguém que te faz sorrir
Alguém que vai te abraçar
Quando a escuridão cair
Quando você precisar
De alguém que não vai mentir
Que não quer te magoar
Segundos antes de dormir
De mim você vai lembrar

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So in recent news

Capri went home on the 25th
I have 35 days left today
I got my first capoeira cord... (along with Macall and Sofie)
aaand things are going swimmingly I guess....
I'm just excited to get home (I can't help it... Oregon Country Fair AND SEP AND Canada?? how can I not be totally pumped??)
from Lençóis!
me and Sofie in Itacaré
Michael and the sunset
Sofie on the boat in Morro de São Paulo
Macall also on the boat (NO REALLY?)

really weird sunset... (it actually looked like that, who knows why)


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My day

Today I felt inspired to make another blog entry because my day has been happy!
In no particular chronological order...
I bought a bitchin' hat! (which may or may not be sacrificed to the cause of my friend Ian... I'll have to think about that, holmes). I was on half price but still cost R$95 (like like 45 bucks or so)
I got accepted to be a Junior Counselor at SEP (2009 not 2005) YIPPIE KAY YAY!
I bought some carrots and I am happily munching on them as we speak... er... as I type this.I bought a liter of Guaraná Antarctica (aka. best soda ever) for just over 1 real, which is about 50 cents. :O
I jacked the January edition of SuperInteressante (Super Interesting) from my school library.
Macall and Sofie are still gone on the Amazon trip, but unbeknowst to Mr. Robinson I have his turtle necklace from the Northeast trip (stole it during Lençóis). :D
I also recently found and read a copy of Michael Moore's 'Dude Where's my Country?' which makes me happy I was not doing an exchange in the last 8 years and instead did it in the year of Obama's election... maybe he's not perfect but by God does it make me look better as an American!

até mais
peace out

Sunday, May 10, 2009

inventory of PAIN

:so this year I have been in a constant state of hurting somewhere or another (I'm accustomed to it by now) but on this most recent trip everything ganged up on me.

so here's how it started:

heel blister on my right foot
twin thumb sized blisters on both feet
blisters on my pinky toe
followed by me busting my toe on a rock causing under-nail bruising
then wearing bandages caused another blister on the back of my left foot
followed by a bug biting me (which has subsequently transformed into a freakish gaping hole in my left middle toe... which scares me every time I look at it)
and then mysterious triplet bumps appeared on my right foot and hurt and are all red

and my left ear is infected
and my jaw hurts when I yawn (presumably from too much yawning... it used to crack when I yawned but now it just hurts and sometimes won't open all the way)

hooray for pain it makes me strong!

scars so far:
burn on my left hand from 'olho de boi' that Neyton gave me
horseback riding abrasion scars on the insides of my calves
possibly this bizarre toe thing...

if any other exchange students read this, I want their updates.

I got lice here once
my left ear has already been infected once (this is the second time)
in addition to all the mad crazy sunburns I've gotten
and of course random 'I don't know how I got these' cuts and bruises

UPDATE: mother's day
sketchy red bump on my left leg

at least I'll go to my grave with some marks to show where I've been!