Thursday, March 5, 2009

being in trouble aka. the nature of vieira

it's 8H in the morning and I've already been in trouble twice today...

the first time was when I got to school 15 minutes late (like I always do now; I live an hour and a half away, and I have two host siblings who get dropped off at their school before me, so I'm always late nowadays)... being late isn't usually a problem, and today it wasn't either. the problem today was my not exactly strict adherence to the uniform policy; I was wearing brown jean-like pants instead of actual blue jeans. Now, I'm not badmouthing the uniform system (farda in portuguese) but I really don't believe in it. I understand the motivation and the benefits, but I hate how everyone looks just the same (sometimes I can't even find my friends because people look so alike). so I got a talking-to about that (plus I'm working on my braid pre-dreads right now, so I'm wearing a bandanna around to keep the itchy bastards out of my face - which apparently isn't allowed either).

the second time was coming up here to type this on the computer (I just took a Biology test which I probably bombed because I can't remember anything about eukaryotic cells or chromatin - sorry Shindledecker but it just didn't sink in).

so wish me luck. hopefully I won't get in trouble again today.

1 comment:

Jyo Nah said...

If you got in trouble for getting on the computer... how were you there long enough to type all that out?