Saturday, September 6, 2008

quase um mês!!

in 5 days I will have been here for four weeks.

I have a capoeira class today in the afternoon, yesterday I attempted to play vôlei (volleyball) but I am predictably and embarrassingly ungifted at it. I tried though, got some exercise. I went to Interact too, but I was completely dead (given that I wake up at 5 every morning) so Macall probably thought I was high or something.

looks like I will going to Interact as often as possible (on Mondays nights from 8-9), volleyball or futsal beforehand, probably a laboratory of some kind for chemistry (though I have yet to get any details whatsoever about this). tuesdays and thursdays are capoeira, and it seems I will be getting a Portuguese class after all, which crushes my ego a little cause I thought I was learning plenty fast... oh well

I will possibly be going to a movie and then a party on Saturday with Moni (Australian girl at my school who has become my comrade in pursuit of our little English sanctuary. where we talk about turtles)

so this will probably be a good week.
talk to you all later
if you read this, you have no excuse for not commenting. don't be a lurker, it's creepy.

also: two of my three 'bonfim fita' wishes have come true. the last one's tough though... might not happen until I go to Minas this summer


Rob and Sara said...

Um, what is "capoeira"? Me no spikka Port-chew-geese.

I'm glad you're checking out Interact. It's awesome — or, at least, it certainly CAN be!

I'm impressed with your language skills — but just think how much faster you'll become fluent with an actual class... I consider you very lucky!

If you respond to the comments you get on your blog, it'll help motivate us not to lurk.

(Isn't "lurk" a funny word? Say "lurk, lurk, lurk, lurk" long enough and often enough, and you'll soon pass for a harbor seal. And maybe get invited to join the circus, if you can perfect the ol' ball-on-the-nose balancing trick...)

Keep having fun!


Suzi Steffen said...

No being creepy here at the EW, where we follow your exploits with bated breath! Um, though that might be a little creepy. Seriously, I'm reading, anyway.

(Also: What is Interact? Also: How come you know everyone I know on Facebook? At least the ones in Eugene? Also: ALMOST A MONTH? How the heck did that happen?!)


Jyo Nah said...

So, yeah.

I agree with rob and sara. Responses will greatly improve commenting frequency. (Which is something ELSE I've pointed out in the past)

Maybe you can do some kind of weekly response-digest, where you respond to your favorite comments or something. I do know that blogger isn't actually well built for responding. :(

Anyway, sounds like lotsa lotsa fun. I totally wish I was in your position, instead of just putzing arround at Lane.

Oh, by the way, I ran into Ichigo yesterday and she asked about you and I told her that you've been in Brazil (( Which has been a rather entertaining thing to do, strangely enough. I don't know why, but each time I run into somebody who doesn't know where you are, i really enjoy filling them in.))

So anyway, I imediately gave Ichi my laptop and she read your whole blog. I imagine that when i send her a link, she'll probably start commenting herself.

ANOTHER thing about Ichi is she REALLY enjoyed looking at our old sketch book. I let her look at it ans she literally turned every page.

Hey, did you give this URL to any of the librarians here at EPL?

If not, would you like me to give it to them/see if they are interested?

LizP said...

Well I'm not one to be called creepy either.

Capoeira is hard! My 50+ sister took a class and it nearly killed her!

It sounds like you're having fun though.

rad-i-cal said...

thats pretty cool.. it seems so weird without .. just by the way.. I kind of half expect you to show up randomly with sky or kati or see you in the halls after I think of you or see them.. or even talk to Jonah.. but then I remember you're in brazil.. well ya.. you're missed!!